Visit of the Director General of EU-OPENSCREEN ERIC Dr. Philipp Gribbon at the National Library of Chemical Compounds and the Bacteriology-Virusology Screening Laboratory POL-OPENSCREEN


On May 15, 2024, Dr. Philip Gribbon visited the National Library of Chemical Compounds and the Screening Laboratory, the infrastructure being part of the POL-OPENSCREEN consortium, a partner institution of the EU-OPENSCREEN ERIC consortium. The guest had the opportunity to familiarize with the infrastructure of the Library and the academic collection of chemical compounds deposited there for screening tests.

The visit of Dr. Philip Gribbon allowed also for a discussion on expanding the scope of cooperation to make fuller use of the resources and potential of the POL-OPENSCREEN consortium, as well as planning future activities aimed at expanding it.

On the same day, Dr. Gribbon presented a lecture titled “EU-OPENSCREEN: Enabling chemical biology and early stage drug discovery.” The lecture, under the patronage of the Lodz Branch of PTChem and the POL-OPENSCREN consortium, took place at the Centre of Molecular and Macromolecular Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences. The lecture met with great interest and gathered listeners from the Institute of Medical Biology of Polish Academy of Sciences, the Centre of Molecular and Macromolecular Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences, the Lodz University of Technology, the University of Lodz and the Medical University of Lodz.

From the left:
Marcin Śleszyński – Compound Manager at NLCC, Philip Gribbon – Fraunhofer Institute for Translational Medicine and Pharmacology (ITMP) in Hamburg and EU-OPENSCREEN ERIC, Zbigniew Leśnikowski – head of the Medicinal Chemistry Laboratory of IMB PAS and NLCC POL-OPENSCREEN, Marta Denel-Bobrowska – Microbiologist at the IMB PAS Screening Laboratory, Agnieszka Olejniczak – head of the IMB PAS Screening Laboratory, Dorota Borowiecka – Database Administrator at NLCC.