Pol-OpenScreen - Polska Platforma Infrastruktury Skriningowej dla Chemii Biologicznej

De diversis artibus

persevera per severa per se vera

De diversis artibus

persevera per severa per se vera

Continued cooperation – Another visit of the Titian Team to NLCC

IMPULSE – a new project within EU-OPENSCREEN
POL-OPENSCREEN 2.0 – Investing in the Present and the Future
KBZCh from the inside
The National Library of Chemical Compounds (KBZCh) provides the possibility of depositing synthesized compounds in national laboratories (universities, institutes, research laboratories, etc.) and makes them available to interested entities, both Polish and foreign, for biological screening and other scientific research.
National Library
of Chemical Compounds
The National Library of Chemical Compounds (KBZCh) provides the possibility of depositing synthesized compounds in national laboratories (universities, institutes, research laboratories, etc.) and makes them available to interested entities, both Polish and foreign, for biological screening and other scientific research. KBZCh is the first compound bank of this type in the country, providing biologists, pharmacologists and other interested parties with access to unique libraries of chemical combinations, on a non-commercial basis and taking into account intellectual property protection, and chemists the opportunity to test and generate added value through the wider use of synthesized compounds. The KBZCh infrastructure is financed by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage as one of the undertakings of the Polish Roadmap for Research Infrastructure.