Instructions on transferring chemical compounds to NLCC at IBB PAN


On May 28, at the invitation of Dr hab. Adam Mieczkowski from the Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IBB PAN), Dorota Borowiecka and Marcin Śleszyński of the National Library of Chemical Compounds (NLCC), conducted instructions on transferring chemical compounds to NLCC at IBB PAN.

IBB PAN, a member of the POL-OPENSCREEN consortium, is an institution that systematically transfers compounds synthesized as part of ongoing research projects and is one of the first to deposit compounds in NLCC.

As a result of bioprofiling studies conducted at NLCC and pilot screening of cytotoxicity and antibacterial and antiviral activity conducted at the POL-OPENSCREEN Bacteriology-Virology Screening Laboratory, a number of results were obtained, providing valuable information on the properties and activity of the submitted compounds. NLCC systematically informs Providers about the results generated during bioprofiling and screening tests.

To meet the expectations of interested Providers (chemists donating compounds), NLCC offers training in the registration of compounds in the Library Interface in a remote form, on-site at NLCC or at the Provider’s institution. Chemists interested in instruction are welcome to contact us.

Donating synthesized chemical compounds to NLCC brings tangible benefits for both Providers and Users interested in searching for new biologically active compounds. The cooperation makes it possible to carry out physicochemical tests (pKa, logP, solubility) and biological tests at no cost to the Providers, which would probably never have been carried out otherwise. The results of biological tests are proprietary and cannot be used without the consent of the Provider.

From the left: Dorota Borowiecka – Database Administrator at NLCC, Marcin Śleszyński – Compound Manager at NLCC; Dr Kinga Mieczkowska, Department of Bioinformatics at IBB PAN; Dr hab. Adam Mieczkowski and Dr Bartosz Bieszczad, Laboratory of Biological Chemistry of Metal Ions at IBB PAN